Saturday, January 8, 2011

Puking, Coughing and Fevers, Oh my!

So my kids have been sick for a couple of days. Of course – right before I start a maternity leave next week at the nearby high school – Perfect timing kids! I took them to the doctor again who is amazing. Actually he probably thinks my sisters and I are hypochondriacs or just plain nuts for the way we overreact to every little thing that happens to our children. You know we freak out about normal stuff, like if the color of their ear wax is too yellow, or not yellow enough or if one ear is higher than the other, you know..the norm. Although our anxiety and worry is most likely related to having a nurse for a mother. It’s great because I always feel safe when mom is just a phone call away to answer my many medical questions, but it also sucks because I had to dodge the needles when I was little. Mom- “I’m home and you know what time it is...time to go get your flu shots!”
So back to my kids. Bailee is on a ton of meds: antibiotics, decongestant, Tylenol, breathing treatments, creams, you name it, she’s on it. Dougie is also on antibiotic and takes other medications for congestion and reflux (from his surgeries). My worry always starts as soon as I hear a cough or sense any type of runny nose. With Dougie, I get even more scared because of his DiGeorge. It’s a genetic disorder and each child is very different from what specific problems they have. The most common with DiGeorge is a weak immune system. Now Dougie tested great with his immunologist – no immune deficiencies what so ever, yet I freak out every time this guy sneezes!!! I can’t help it. I also freak out with Bailee but for a different reason….she is the worst friggin patient in the world! She is 2 and half and stubborn as hell. She has quite the vocabulary , although lately her favorite word is,”NO” or “I do it myself”  Now don’t get me wrong, those of you who know her also know how incredibly sweet and polite she is, but if she doesn’t want to do something, don’t expect her to without some heavy bargaining. For example, to get her to take her medication, I threaten to take away Tumble Bee’s. If that does not work, I try her favorite show, Caillou…moving on to throwing away her Barbies , or saying the doctor will have to give her lots of shots…etc. I’ve tried the reward system, but she could care less because she knows mom will give into her eventually. Yep…I’m that mine. I let my two year old daughter beat me at just about everything. I can’t help it though, she is so darn cute. So needless to say, she is my biggest battle when the kids are sick.
So, last night was quite the eventful evening. No, no romantic nights cuddling with my husband while the kids sleep quietly in their beds, it was puking, crying, coughing, crying, cleaning, and so on.
It all started with Dougie. He has been having a hard time sleeping – I believe as a result from being in the hostpial for 65 days, we are waiting on sleep study results too – at about 11:30 he woke up screaming and arching his back. His eyes were closed like he wanted to sleep but was in pain. This literally went on for about 2 hours – no joke. I was amazed that Bailee did not wake up although she had quite the hefty dose of good ole Ibuprofen (if you know what I mean). So Doug and I took Dougie downstairs because we were getting at each other. He was actually trying to get away from me because I was crabby and not fun to be around with my negativity. So what did I do…followed him, but luckily I did. Not 20 seconds after being in the family room, Dougie puked all over Doug and onto the floor – Twice! And it wasn’t your cute little baby spit up, it was your almost 1 year old projectile vomit that smelled of his antibiotic we had just given him! Mom to the rescue!
I ran and got some towels and Doug undressed in the family room – so could have been hotter had he not been covered in spit up, but I’ll take it! We got everyone all cleaned up and headed back upstairs. Dougie seemed to have calmed down a bit and in runs Bailee! As soon as I felt her I knew she had a fever. A trip back downstairs to get the thermometer was not needed. Again, I bargained with my two year old, begging her to take her medicine. Somehow I think the Tumble Bee’s thing worked and she took it slowly. Next thing I knew, it was coming right back up! There goes the grape flavored Tylenol. Damnit!!!
I got her settled down enough and the four of us tried to get comfortable in our bed, but it was not working. Bailee and I headed back to her room on the blow up mattress in between her old crib and new toddler bed…yes three beds….she’s picky….and then I felt it!
I had my hand underneath her head as I laid it down on the pillow and….did you ever go to Halloween party when you were little and reach into a box of jello that was supposed to feel like someone’s brain? Okay, well the moment I laid my hand down on the pillow beneath her head, it was not a soft pillow…it was slimy and chunky and wet and smelly…so not jello. My little girl had already puked in her bed before she ran to ours!!! I laid her down on the floor while she cried her already flushed face to a deeper red and began the cleaning. Basically the cleaning is grabbing a blanket or the base of the puke and piling everything up in a ball and folding it together…making it a blanket ball of pukey things! Grosss!!!!

Finally at about 4:30am our house was quiet and everyone was asleep. Then I realized I had to be up in 2 hours to get ready for work. Fun Fun!!!
The day went on, the kids did their thing, took their meds, played and acted like they were feeling okay. My mom came over to watch the kids so we did not have to do our daily routine of packing up the kids and heading to town so we can work….like we do EVERY NIGHT!!! Thanks to my mom we came home to two great kids hanging out watching…you guessed it….Caillou. (Doug has Caillou DVRd on our TV – I think we have about 20 episodes- although grandma claimed she watched 40!)
So, I am sitting here now with both kids asleep, although I can hear Dougie crying. Nighttime is not a fun time for him. I pray that Bailee’s butt medicine or suppository stays in all night. Did you even know they make Tylenol suppositories? They are pretty cool for stubborn girls who wont take their meds! That guy who invented that must be making millions!!!
Good night all! I hope we all get some rest tonight!

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