Tuesday, January 25, 2011

To sleep, or not to sleep

Could sleep finally be in the near future for the Bedinger family? I think...maybe!

Yesterday was Dougie's appointment with an ENT doctor - that's Ears, Nose and Throat for those of you who did not know at first.  We arrived at his appointment on time and my mother met us there. Doug had to be at work at the Bullpen at 4 so he was unable to come.

Dougie was his typical happy self in the waiting room. He was even smiling at this other couple who did not seem to be the least fazed by his crazy or humorous actions. Oh well. We finally got called back and unfortunately waited another 30 minutes or so. Now for those of you who have a one year old, being stuck in a tiny room where your child cannot crawl around is quite difficult. Dougie kept pushing off of me like he was going to go on the floor and start running like Forest Gump. I think he just felt like "
running" - oh wait Dougie, you can't walk yet. Sorry buddy.

Finally the doctor came in and sat with my mom and I and got to know Dougie a little bit. He had this look to him like he was smart. I told Doug he would of really liked him. He gave you that reassuring, "my shit don't stink" feeling. I knew this was the right guy to be seeing.

After a short, but lengthy (thanks mom) synopsis of Dougie, we got down to business. He looked in Dougie's ears, nose and throat...haha ENT!  He then asked if I would be okay if he stuck a tube down Dougie's nose to take a look at his throat. I was so game! I thought you would never ask!

I was so ready to solve this sleep mystery! Do what you gotta do!

First, he sprayed some numbing spray up Dougie's nostrils. Then I had to strategically hold Dougie down on my lap. I wrapped my leg over Dougie's legs, and I wrapped my arms around his chest and arms - like giving him a big bear hug. My mom was in charge of holding his head. The Doctor finally stuck his magic scope down Dougie's nose and into his throat. You could hear him gagging and crying, but those 10 seconds were worth it!

Results:  After looking at his throat the doctor said his andoids were quite large. He said they were giving Dougie about a 50% obstruction in the back of the throat. They gotta go!!!

Next, he said that Dougie's tonsils were quite large as well. He said on a scale from 1-4 with 4 being the largest, he was at a 3.
The doctor was hesitant about taking both out at once. He said the recovery would be longer and harder for Dougie - especially because he might not eat, resulting in a longer hospital stay. I said there was no reason to do only one surgery and one later. We need sleep, let's take em both out....ASAP.

I almost felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. Almost as if the clouds were opening up and the angels were singing a heavenly hymn. Were our sleepless nights soon to be gone? He said that his sleep should improve significantly! I love that word "significantly" - after our whole year of surgeries, poking and prodding...sygnificantly was now being used as a POSITIVE!  It was so refreshing.

We left there with an appointment for Monday Feb 21. They said he would be the first to go in the morning. I am so excited. It will feel like Christmas all over again! The countdown now begins to Feb 21....less than a month away.

I would write more today, but you see, we didn't get much sleep last night and this mama is hurting. Sometimes it really catches up with me. I feel like I have been rolling along nicely for a while, but this morning I felt like poop! Luckily I do to have to do lessons tonight and I can stay home with the kids after work ...maybe even make a dinner for my deserving husband for when he comes home.

It's also our 3rd year wedding anniversary tomorrow! Where has the time gone? i never would have imagined we would be where we are in only 3 years. It's pretty trippy to think about. Until next time.....

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