Monday, February 7, 2011

Tears for Fears

I'm not exactly sure where I left off  - I am actually too lazy to go back and check my previous blog. So I will just catch everyone up on our crazy life.

Dougie still isn't sleeping at ALL!!! He is up / or in his face appears to be sleeping - all night long. He kicks, twists, turns, wines, etc. Feel free to keep him for a night in case you don't believe us. Doug always tells me that no one will ever understand what we go through unless they have had him a for a night. It's actually kinda like our little family secret society. I think it makes us closer and have something unique that we experience nightly as a family! I guess that's a twisted or positive way to look at our sleep deprivation, petty arguments and a moody wife!

Okay, I will admit I have never been one to sleep in. I like sleeping, but I hate mornings. Although I remember being a little girl at about 6 years old, waking up at 5am, heading downstairs, grabbing something to eat, get out the play-dough while I watch episodes of Mr Wizard. But anywhooo...I am the crabbiest person in the mornings. Waking up on the right side of the bed seldom happens - just ask the hubby. He even told me the other day, "Can you wake up one morning and try to say something positive?" Usually when I get up - after a sleepless night, you would think I am pretending to be a sailor with all the cursing I do. Oops.

So, back to our son. Our sleepless nights are getting worse. Dougie seems to be regressing every night. It's a like a bad cold that goes for bad to worse. I am not going to sit here and have all of you throw a pity party for us, but it sucks and be happy you don't have to do it.

Yesterday, was the Superbowl party and my sister was there. After coming home after doing lessons and a clinic, I was even more exhausted. I came home to trying to tend to two needy kids, making my appetizer and everything else. My sister walks over and says, "I could go for a nap right now." Those words hit me so hard! I wanted to scream and unleash all my frustration out on her. I mumbled out my response while walking away, "YOU NEED A NAP?" Then the tears hit me. I started to ball. I have been really trying to hold tight to my emotions and not let them get the best of me, but I collapsed. I went into the next room regretting my words to my sister knowing she meant nothing by it - prayed those four words would not lead into a day of fighting. I was walked back towards the kitchen with my head down and tears falling and my sister grabbed me hugged me. We didn't need to say a word to each other, we non-verbally apologized with that hug and everything felt better. I couldn't believe the power of hug. Not very often does someone grab me and hug me just because - unless your name is Bailee and secretly want a piece of candy. But I have to give major props to my sister for understanding and coming in with the big save!

Back to Dougie -  on top of the sleepless nights, that time of the month and crazy hormones came Dougie's 1 year cardiology appointment. I was not worried because I know of signs to watch out for when it comes to his ticker. But for some reason ( I wonder why - *sarcasm) I always seem to get extremely nervous. I think it is because I fear the unknown - like crazy fear the unknown - major anxiety here folks!
Luckily my mother-in-law went with me as my sidekick. Now Dougie is the kind of kid who will never win the "best patient" award. He has been poked and prodded his whole life. It's like when we walk into a doctor's office, his invisible radar is on high alert. "White jacket with a smile approaching" (robot voice).  He watches everything and his cardiologist entered the room by saying, "Oh Dougie, I HEARD you were here!"
We discussed with our cardiologist that plan to get Dougie's adenoids and tonsils removed as a result of his apnea and limb movement disorder. She was very concerned that he would be seeing another surgeon not affiliated with Children's Memorial. My concern was the same. She got us pointed into the right direction and we will be getting his surgery done at Children's. I will not list the whole story because it's boring...but we are all hoping this will fix our little guy's problem.

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